

E raka te mauī, e raka te katau.

A community can use all the skills of its people.

Tō Ngā Mātai Pūrua Komiti

We are fortunate enough to have a dedicated and knowledgeable team that runs everything behind the scenes.  The NMP committee is made up of voluntary members & tutors, who are nominated by club members and have a tenure of 2 years.  It is by the hard work and collaborative efforts of this amazing team, and with like-minded community organisations, that we are able to provide a safe space to teach, learn, create, share and grow.


Tyson Tuala

Vice Chairperson

Taitty Rerekura-Roxburgh


Apakura Matenga

Tutor / Events

Berne-Lee Edwards


Kameta Mankelow


Timmy Te Hau

Stalls & Events

Anne-Marie Morris

Club Founder

Wiremu Morris

Committee Member

Julian Mankelow

Youth Committee Member

Ariana Eruera-Chase

We support and encourage the youth within our organisation to have their say in matters that affect them.  NMP RANGATAHI are a group of young members who learn how to run meetings, formulate robust discussion, complete their own administrative duties and report to the senior committee.  Each member is encouraged to attend committee meetings and take part in the administrative side of Ngā Mātai Pūrua Inc.